Spiritual Courses and Healing Journey
Raa Safari Center

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Take a short tour with me
Your chance to loose weight, get balancd, cured from emotional and physical diseases, by the following courses, during which you loose, all your negative emotions earn new positive manner and well balanced health

Bio Magnetic Therapeutic Healing
Bio-Magnetic Touch HealingTM (BMTH) is a simple, hands-on healing technique that can be used to address all types of health concerns. Practitioners use the first two fingers of both hands to lightly touch specific points on the body. Over time the combination of correct points and light touch seems to enhance the body's natural healing ability.
· BMTH involves no magnetic products.
· BMTH is easy to learn - even children learn & practice it effectively - perfect for families, lay people and professionals alike.
· BMTH is inexpensive to learn.
· BMTH is a complement to your current healthcare program.
· BMTH requires no special belief system or state of mind.
· BMTH has no levels of ability - everyone is effective the first time they touch

Egyptian Reiki
Welcome to Egyptian Reiki Training. I'm honored that you've giving me the opportunity to put free Reiki on the Internet. I want to do it in a manner that's a little less mysterious than what I've seen elsewhere. Perhaps a little simpler. It's easy to lose peoples interest when the discussion of Reiki training turns overly mystical.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese relaxation and healing technique that is administered by the touch of the Reiki practitioner, a laying on of hands that promotes healing in both the healee and the practitioner. The hands don't even have to touch the healee for Reiki energy to flow if there is a reason for personal distance between the two individuals

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Egyptian Aromatherapy
Discover our Ancient Egptian healing Methods


Love, Light and Peace